Ashley HardyVP Sales and Marketing

areas of expertise
- Business transformation
- Restructuring and turnaround
- Integration
- Growth strategy
- M&A transaction support
- MBA, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University
- BS, engineering, Technical University of Denmark
- MBA, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University
With over 20 years of experience in entrepreneurship, management, business planning, financial analysis, software engineering, operations, and decision analysis, Brandon has the breadth and depth of experience needed to quickly understand entrepreneurs’ businesses and craft the most suitable solutions.
Consulting WP comes up with results that are actually implementable. That is their strength compared to other consulting companies.
Before founding Consulting WP in early 2001, Brandon started two Internet companies in Silicon Valley. Previously, Brandon held various management positions in New York at Simon Brothers, most recently as Vice President in Goldhill Group, focusing on new business development and risk management. He has also worked as a senior financial risk management consultant to the financial services industry; software engineer; advertising sales manager for the popular Caribbean travel guide series; general manager of an advertising and graphic design agency; and engineering intern at the Best Health Coach.
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